Hospitals & Clinics
Instrument Reprocessing
Instrument reprocessing is a critical step. This task has to be taken very seriously by the competent personnel within the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) of any healthcare facility.
Indeed, proper cleaning and disinfection processes may significantly reduce cross-contamination risks between invasive or non-invasive medical devices & patients and so avoid nosocomial infections.
CSSD’s use two main methods regarding medical and surgical instrument cleaning:
1. In immersion bath / by conventional hand washing
2. In automatic washer
In both cases, the use of an appropriate detergent is mandatory.

For the first case, an enzymatic solution is highly recommended in order to remove organic deposits as proteins, fats, starch and blood residues. The efficiency of an enzymatic detergent depends on the stability of the enzymes which has to be taken into consideration before purchase.
We have chosen the best available quality of enzymes on the market for our enzymatic cleaners NOSOZYM and NOSOZYM 6 PLUS. Highly stabilized, their activity last longer than any other.
In automatic washer, alkaline pH solutions are preferred to dissolve organic residues especially proteins and fats. Our alkaline detergent NOSOCLEAN has been developed with alkaline agents, specific surfactants and a new generation of protease for a powerful efficiency. As second and third steps, we recommend the use of NEUTRALKAN, acidic neutralizer to remove alkaline residues and scale followed by the use of NOSOCLEAR, rinse-aid for a spotless finish and fast drying. The combination of those products ensures optimum results and helps to maintain the good condition of the washer.
Medical and surgical instruments represent a large investment to any healthcare facility.
For this reason, each MEDALKAN product has been developed with a particular consideration in order to protect instruments and equipment from corrosion.
Το NOSOZYM είναι ένα πολύ δραστικό συμπυκνωμένο ενζυματικό απορρυπαντικό ενδοσκοπίων και χειρουργικών εργαλείων με ουδέτερο pH.
Είναι κατάλληλο για καθαρισμό με χρήση λουτρού υπερήχων, αυτόματου πλυντηρίου ενδοσκοπίων, πλυντήρια – απολυμαντές, με εμβάπτιση, ή με συμβατικό πλύσιμο χειρός.
NEUTRALKAN is an acidic detergent and neutralising agent of alkaline residues on glassware and surgical instruments. It can be used on stainless steel instruments, ophtalmological instruments, anesthetic equipment, laboratory glassware, hard plastics and all acid resistant medical devices.
NEUTRALKAN is used in automatic washers, washer disinfectors or other instrument reprocessing equipment.
NOSOCLEAR is a very concentrated rinse aid especially formulated for the fast and spotless drying of surgical instruments, glassware, and other sensitive medical devices. It can be used on stainless steel instruments, ophtalmological instruments, anesthetic equipment, laboratory glassware, plastics and hard rubbers.
NOSOCLEAR is used in automatic washers, washer disinfectors or other instrument reprocessing equipment.
MEDALKAN – Τα Νέα Ελληνικά Απολυμαντικά για το Ιατρείο σας